Does your back hurt a little? Does your back hurt a lot? Could something you do everyday help it hurt less? Let's talk with Kathy Kilbourn from Tri City Furniture and learn more about back support systems within your furniture. Maybe you are missing it in yours? Maybe you want it in your next furniture piece!

Many of us have back issues, where we need better support while we are sitting. You may ask, are all the support systems in sofas today made the same?
No, there are several ways manufacturers can design the backs of the sofas and sectionals. Some with more support and others are much softer, and actually did not have much support at all!
Why would someone not want any support for their back?
It is usually younger people who do not want supportive back systems. They do not like to sit up, but more of a slouch sit. They love it to feel super soft! I always say they are not old enough yet to have wreaked their backs…..but one day they will understand support and why it is necessary!
So, let’s talk about some of the support options available today!
The most popular back system is a pillow back. It may be loose or attached, and is filled with Dacron, which is a fluffy material designed to give cushioning which is softer.
Are there different ways to make this type pillow back?
Yes, basically there are three systems.
First, the pillow is just filled with Dacron-.At the factory they have a machine which will blow the Dacron into the pillow, and the pillow is weighed so that each pillow will feel the same.
The second way, is that they make an inside bag, in which the Dacron is blown in….the bag is then sewn shut, and the whole back is placed inside the back cushion cover. This is a better system than the first. It keeps the Dacron inside, and doesn’t allow it to migrate through some fabrics.
The third system is what is called a channeled bag. So the Dacron is blown into the bag, but this time, there are three divisions inside the bag….a top, middle and bottom. This is the best because it will keep the Dacron from compressing to the bottom of the bag. Realize, that all back pillows, are just like the name, a pillow, and it can need Maintenence…..just like a bed pillow needs to be Fluffed, so might your sofa back pillows!
Is there a specific reason why I might need to fluff these back pillows?
It is very common for me to go to someone’s home and see that the back pillows are compressed down. Typically it is due to a cat or dog laying on the top of the back cushion, especially if your sofa sits in front of a window! The pillow is being pushed down, and the design was to lean against. This would be when you should open the back and readjust the contents.
Recognize, that this third system needs the least maintenance……because the dacron is held in place the best!

Wow, I did not know there were so many variables… having the back pillow loose better than if it is sewn in place?
One system is not really better….they just offer different features. If the pillow is loose, you can use both sides, so it may extend the life of your fabric longer. It also makes the seat wider, so if you like to lay on your sofa, you have more width for your body! The down side is that these cushions can move more easily and therefore not remain as neat as compared to the ones that are sewn on!
The attached cushions do stay in place better so generally maintain their shape more. Kids are not putting them on the floor and make forts with them or jump on them! So people like the variable just depending on how the room is used!
I know there are other options for sofa backs, so we will continue this discussion next. Make sure to tune it! Thank you Kathy and thank you for watching DesignTime today!