We Don’t Sleep Well, If You Don’t Sleep Well!

Did you know that you spend more than 3,000 hours a year in your bed? Your mattress is one of the most important furniture purchases you can make. The quality of your sleep can have a direct affect on the quality of your health. A high quality sleep experience is not just a luxury, but a necessity like eating healthy and staying active.
Not sure what went wrong with your last bed? Come talk to us and we will help you find the exact right mattress for a healthy Lifestyle!
Fact: Yearly Hours Spent in Bed- 3,330
Fact: Average Price Desired to Spend on a Mattress-$500
Fact: Yearly Hours Spent in Your Car-1,095
Fact: Average Price Desired to Spend on a Car- $15,000-$30,000
Something Does Not Add Up!!!