Ten Mattress Care Tips

It is normal to experience an adjustment period after switching to a new mattress, especially if you had been sleeping on your last mattress for a long time. You should allow up to 1 week for your body to adjust to a new level of comfort and
Remember that mattress foams and fibers will be subjected to normal wear over time. To reduce normal wear, you can rotate your mattress as needed.
Buy a matching box spring (also referred to as a foundation) or a matching adjustable foundation to insure proper support and lasting durability.
Support your mattress with a solid bed frame. To comply with Serta’s mattress warranty, king and queen-sized beds require a metal bed frame (or base) with rigid center support.
If you have to move your mattress, always carry it upright. Never bend your mattress to get it in or out of a room. It may flex a little through doorways, but it shouldn’t be folded, curled, or sharply bent.
Let your mattress breathe. A new mattress has been wrapped in plastic and needs time to air out before you put on the sheets.
Protect your new mattress. Vacuum it once a year; keep your bed clean and dry; always use a quality mattress protector. If you have pets, consider getting them their own Serta pet bed to reduce the amount of time they spend on your new mattress.
We carry Mattress Protectors at Tri City Furniture. Yes, they may look similar to those you find in the big box stores, but trust me they feel different and come with a 10 year full replacement warranty if they don’t protect the way they claim. Protectors bought in those box stores have a warranty to replace ONLY the cover…NOT your NEW MATTRESS SET!
Remember- Mattress warranty become void if stained. This stain could come from an accident, coffee or the roof leaking- so play it safe and pick one up from us!
Good sleep sets don’t need boards. Your bed won’t last as long or perform as well with a board between the mattress and the box spring.
Make sure your fitted sheets really fit. Deep-pocket sheets are carried by most major linen retailers and are designed for extra thick and pillow top beds. Explore our selection of sheets, designed to be comfortable during all seasons.
We also carry deep fitted sheets! Come in and see our selection!
While you won’t go to jail for doing so, do not tear off the law tag at the end of your mattress. It has important manufacturing information about your mattress that you will need in the event of a warranty claim
Information gained from www.serta.com