12 Days before Christmas
By Buddy the Elf
12 days before Christmas, my elf gave to me… 12 Designer Snowflakes
11 days before Christmas, my elf gave to me…11 Piles of Pillows
10 days before Christmas, my elf gave to me…10 Lambs a Leaping
9 days before Christmas, my elf gave to me…9 Nifty Lamps
8 days before Christmas, my elf gave to me…8 Media Centers
7 days before Christmas, my elf gave to me…7 Comfy Sofas
6 days before Christmas, my elf gave to me…6 Rockin’ Recliners
5 days before Christmas, my elf gave to me…5 GOLDEN OTTOMANS
4 days before Christmas, my elf gave to me…4 Amish Chairs
(Only 3 more days!- Stay Tuned!)
“Congratulations! You did it!
World’s BEST Cup of Coffee! Great job Everyone!”
Look at you! You have all your errands done. Your check list is checked off and you are

now ready to celebrate.
As you congratulate yourself and sip your warm spiced tea you notice that your dining room table and chairs are not want you want it to be! “Is Aunt Margie going to have to sit on a folding chair again?” you ask yourself!
Maybe we can help!
Take an extra 15% off all Dining Room Sets TODAY ONLY!- Code word: Syrup
The tables we have on the showroom floor are beautiful pieces of art. My favorite is the Elm and Maple in the front window. Or maybe it is the Double Gear- Quarter Cut Sawed Oak table with hidden Butterfly leaves in the backroom. (If you don’t know what a butterfly leaf is, you have to come check it out.) Or maybe it is the Walnut and Maple High top. AHG! So many to choose from.
These tables are not a table you keep for 3 years and give away in the upcoming Yard Sale. They are tables to keep for a life time. They are tables that your children will fight over when you are gone and maybe even their children.
They can be crafted to exactly your liking as well. How long do you need it? What type of wood? What stain? What edge do you want? Do you like large, medium or small sized chairs?