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Color Trends 2015

Writer's picture: Tri City Furniture, AuburnTri City Furniture, Auburn

Introducing Color Trends of 2015 and the Color of the Year

The color that ties things together is ….Guilford Green HC116 of Benjamin Moore Paint

Guilford Green Paint Color

(HC stands for Historical Color)

It is a neutral that is natural. This silvery green is said to work with everything. No need to worry or have second thoughts, because this color brings happy endings! Check it out…you might fall in love!

Not sure if Guilford Green is the color for your update?

Well then, try this -

This interactive website will help you create a plan for the space you want to update and as we know in life, a plan is very important!

  1. Select the space you want to work on- bedroom, kitchen, living room or dining room.

  2. Next, select artwork or furniture that inspires you or fits your life style. I cannot stress how important this step is!Picking your paint color before you furniture will limit your fabric selection. I watch it happen all the time. A couple will come in so excited because they just bought a new house or got their tax return back and have started to update a room. They tell me, “We want this room to be amazing! We have already started by painting the room this great new color!” Then when they go to the wall of fabrics where there are more than 6,000 fabrics, the couple has difficulty finding choices that complement their paint choice. Or often they fall in love with a fabric that does not work with the color scheme they had planned. So, if purchasing new pieces are in the plan, please remember to do this before you pick you paint color. It is much easier this way!

  3. The next few questions will ask about your “risk” level I would say. Are you more daring in your design? Do you like simplicity or do you fill your space? Who will use this space? Do you have a small or large family? Are there pets? And is the space used for active, social or ‘me’ time? All these questions are very important and something you should truly think about, because their answers tell a lot about who you are and what you ‘hope’ this room will accomplish and become.

  4. Finally, you will be asked to create a color palette. Notice that picking paint is the last step. Don’t get me wrong, it is fine to use a color throughout your plan (remember, having a plan is key), just don’t break out the brush and roller until you are sure it works with all your other choices.

And Wall-la! Your room is create. I love this site, because it allows you to see and feel the impact of your choices and paint colors. So often we really don’t know what we like or dislike until we see it in front of us. In my job, I see good and bad choices every day and honestly, I love it, because then I am allowed and ask to share my knowledge in fixing those issues that boggle the mind. It is ok to need help. It is ok to ask questions. It is my job to educate you in what works and doesn’t so that you can make the best educated decision possible.

Need help starting your plan or picking a color?

  • We offer In-home Consulting as a free service, because we want you to be happy with your whole room, not just the few pieces you pick from us. Having a plan is vital to your room design. We know you may not have the budget to finish the plan now, but knowing what each step is truly helps!

  • We will create computer sketches of your room with different options in room arrangements and discuss with you how each one could benefit your family free of charge.

  • We will also order large Benjamin Moore paint samples for you, so you are able to visualize your world within that color at no additional fee.

Which color would you have picked for Color of the Year?
What room boggles your mind and why?
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